
How to solve the problems of Horizontal multistage pump -www.gm-pumps.com

D type horizontal multistage pump  is applied to transport clear water or some other liquids with physical and chemical properties similar to clear water. it is widely applied in plant and city water supply

If there is problem for the pump, how to solve it? today the engineer of Shanghai Guomei Pump Co.,ltd will give some suggestions:

1. If the pump doesn't suck water, the points of the pressure gauge and vacuum gauage slings violently, then check the foot valve to see whether there is water leakage and then adequate water shall be fed into the pump. Screw down the air leakage location

2. If there is pressure down on the pressure gauge, but there is still no water coming out of the pump,  then check or shorten the pipe, check up the motor,  wash the impeller,  speed up the rotation speed

3. If the capacity is below the requirement as designed,  then Washt he pump and pipe, replace the seal ring, speed up the rotation speed

For more suggestions, will introduce in the following articles